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C.O.O.K.I.E info.png
"C.O.O.K.I.E doesn’t just sweeten the battlefield with fierce fighting, this baked battler goes in armed with a pirouetting pretzel attack, dealing splash damage. It may leave devastation in its wake, but that’s the way the cookie crumbles."

Level 3-11


  • La J.E.N.G.I. es una tropa temporal que está disponible en el evento Con las manos en la masa. Se desbloquea cuando se acumulan 3.000 Elixir Dulce.
  • J.E.N.G.I. tiene puntos de vida moderados pero un daño por segundo extremadamente alto, capaz de disparar a casi cualquier estructura o unidad terrestre. Sus ataques causan daño de salpicadura en el área que lo rodea, de forma muy parecida a la Valquiria.
  • J.E.N.G.Is have no preferred target when attacking; they will simply attack the closest building. However, once they become aware of enemy Clan Castle troops, Heroes, or Skeleton Trap skeletons (either by being attacked themselves or by being near another friendly troop under attack), they will leave their previously targeted building and instead engage the enemy troops. Once all of the nearby enemy troops are defeated, the J.E.N.G.Is will proceed to attack the nearest structure.



Objetivo preferido Favorite Target Tipo de ataqueDamage Type Espacio de vivienda Housing Space Velocidad de movimiento Movement Speed Velocidad de ataque Attack Speed Nivel Requerido de Cuartel Barracks Rango Range
Ninguno Objetivo único (Tierra) 10 20 1.5s 1 ???

Tiempo de entrenaminento de J.E.N.G.I

Cuartel disponible Cuartel en mejora
1m 2m
Daño por segundo
Daño por ataque
Puntos de vida
Nivel Requerido de Ayuntamiento
Town Hall
3 8,600 12,900 800 8
4 8,800 13,200 1,000 9
5 9,000 13,500 1,100 10
6 9,200 13,800 1,350 11
7 9,400 14,100 1,550 12
8 9,600 14,400 1,700 13
9 9,800 14,700 1,900 14
10 10,000 15,000 2,200 15
11 10,200 15,300 2,400 16


  • You can have a maximum of 300 J.E.N.G.Is at one time in a complete set of fully upgraded Plantilla:Hs. On the battlefield, you can clone an additional 152 J.E.N.G.Is with four fully upgraded Clone Spells (three from the regular spell inventory and one from a max-level Clan Castle), for a total of 452 J.E.N.G.Is.
  • The following structures and units can survive a single attack from a C.O.O.K.I.E, under specific circumstances:
    • Level 16 Plantilla:H can survive a single hit against level 3 or 4 C.O.O.K.I.Es, while level 17 Walls can survive a single hit against C.O.O.K.I.Es up to level 8.
    • The defending Barbarian King normally does not have enough health to survive a single attack against any level of C.O.O.K.I.E, even if he is at max level. However, with the help of a defending Apprentice Warden, it is possible for him to survive lower-level C.O.O.K.I.Es attacks. Assuming a max-level Apprentice Warden is used, the Barbarian King needs to be at least level 83 to survive a single hit from level 3 C.O.O.K.I.E. A level 95 Barbarian King is capable of surviving a level 9 C.O.O.K.I.E attack with an Apprentice Warden.
    • The M.O.M.M.A in the Single Player Campaign has enough health to survive multiple hits from C.O.O.K.I.E, and can even survive a single hit from a C.O.O.K.I.E boosted by a Plantilla:H.
  • The C.O.O.K.I.E has a similar concept to the Super Mini P.E.K.K.A from Clash Royale, being shaped like one and capable of doing impossibly high damage per hit.
Tropas de la Aldea Principal
Tropas de elixir BárbaroArqueraGiganteDuendeRompemurosGlobo bombásticoMagoCuranderaDragónP.E.K.K.ABebé dragónMineroDragón eléctricoYeti (Miniyeti) • MontadragonesTitanide eléctricaDruida salvaje
Tropas oscuras EsbirroMontapuercosValquiriaGólem (Golemita) • Bruja (Esqueleto) • Sabueso de lava (Cachorro de lava) • LanzarrocasGólem de hieloCazadora de héroesCentinela Aprendiz
Supertropas SuperbárbaroSuperarqueraSupergiganteDuende furtivoSuperrompemuros • •Globo coheteSupermagoDragón infernalSuperesbirroSupervalquiriaSuperbruja (Grandullón)Sabueso de hielo (Cachorro de hielo)SuperlanzarrocasSuperdragónSupermineroSupermontapuercos
Héroes Rey bárbaroReina arqueraGran centinelaLuchadora real
Equipo de héroes

Rey bárbaro: Bárbaro títereFrasco de furiaBotas de terremotoVampigoteGuantelete gigante

Reina arquera: Arquera títereFrasco de invisibilidadFlecha giganteCurandera títereFlecha congelada

Gran centinela: Libro eternoGema vitalGema de furiaLibro curativoBola de fuego

Luchadora real: Gema realEscudo letal • Montapuercos títere• Gema de aceleracion

Hechizos de elixir Hechizo de rayoHechizo de curaciónHechizo de furiaHechizo de saltoHechizo de hieloHechizo clonadorHechizo de invisibilidadHechizo de invocación
Hechizos oscuros Hechizo de venenoHechizo de terremotoHechizo de aceleraciónHechizo de esqueletosHechizo de murciélagos
Máquinas de asedio DestrozamurosDirigible bélicoArrojapiedrasCuartel de asedioLanzallamasLanzatroncosExcavadora de batalla
Animales L.A.S.S.IBúho eléctricoYakUnicornioMorsa glacialLagarto venenosoPangolín excavadorFénixZorro espiritual • Medusa furiosa
