Zorro espiritual

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Spirit Fox info.png
"An extremely shy creature, who’s happiest alone in the woods outside the Village. When called to battle, Spirit Fox fights fiercely alongside their hero and helps them with a little invisibility."
Spirit Fox field.png
Level 1-10


  • Spirit Fox is the ninth and last pet unlocked, unlocked when the Pet House is upgraded to level 9 (this requires Town Hall level 16).
  • When deployed, the Spirit Fox turns both itself and its assigned Hero invisible. The duration of invisibility depends on the level of the Spirit Fox. Once the prescribed duration expires, the invisibility will be reapplied after a 5-second cooldown.
    • The invisibility is only applied whenever the Spirit Fox is on the field. If it is removed from battle by a Recall Spell, the Hero will not be able to turn invisible until the Spirit Fox is brought back onto the field. The Spirit Fox can apply invisibility solely to itself if its Hero is knocked out or recalled by a Recall Spell.
    • Effects that affect attack speed will not affect the cooldown of the invisibility ability.
  • The Zorro espiritual prioritizes a target within 4.5 tiles of the Hero that the Zorro espiritual is paired to. If the Hero is knocked out, Zorro espiritual behaves like a troop with no preferential target; they will attack the nearest building to them regardless of type, and will turn and attack enemy units if they become aware of any nearby.


Offensive Strategy

  • Spirit Fox pairs incredibly well with the Royal Champion thanks to its ability which prevents the Royal Champion from being targeted at times. The Spirit Fox is able to jump over Plantilla:H, so will not lag behind the Royal Champion.
  • Spirit Fox's Spirit Walk ability can be used to push the Hero into compartments with single target Plantilla:Hs. The ability resets the Inferno Tower's beam every time it activates; giving the Hero or other troops time to destroy it.


Preferred Target Favorite Target Targets Favorite Target Attack Type Damage Type Movement Speed Movement Speed Attack Speed Attack Speed Pet House Level Required Pet House Range Range Special AbilitySpecial Ability
Within 4.5 tiles of Hero Ground Single Target 24 1.6s 9 3 tiles (?) Spirit Walk
Damage per Second
Damage per Hit
Invisibility Duration
Upgrade Cost
Dark Elixir
Upgrade Time
Town Hall Level Required
Town Hall
1 108 172.8 3s 1,900 N/A N/A 16
2 116 185.6 3s 2,000 225,000 3d 16
3 124 198.4 3s 2,100 235,000 4d 16
4 132 211.2 3s 2,200 245,000 5d 16
5 140 224 3.5s 2,300 255,000 5d 12h 16
6 148 236.8 3.5s 2,400 265,000 6d 16
7 156 249.6 3.5s 2,500 275,000 6d 12h 16
8 164 262.4 3.5s 2,600 285,000 7d 16
9 172 275.6 3.5s 2,700 295,000 7d 12h 16
10 180 288 4s 2,800 315,000 8d 16


Patch Type Description
November 20, 2023 Sneak Peek El Zorro espiritual comenzó a aparecer alrededor del bosque de las aldeas .
Deciembre 9, 2023 Sneak Peek Anunciado el Zorro espiritual
December 12, 2023 Update Añadido el Zorro Espiritual, con 10 niveles.
Tropas de la Aldea Principal
Tropas de elixir BárbaroArqueraGiganteDuendeRompemurosGlobo bombásticoMagoCuranderaDragónP.E.K.K.ABebé dragónMineroDragón eléctricoYeti (Miniyeti) • MontadragonesTitanide eléctricaDruida salvaje
Tropas oscuras EsbirroMontapuercosValquiriaGólem (Golemita) • Bruja (Esqueleto) • Sabueso de lava (Cachorro de lava) • LanzarrocasGólem de hieloCazadora de héroesCentinela Aprendiz
Supertropas SuperbárbaroSuperarqueraSupergiganteDuende furtivoSuperrompemuros • •Globo coheteSupermagoDragón infernalSuperesbirroSupervalquiriaSuperbruja (Grandullón)Sabueso de hielo (Cachorro de hielo)SuperlanzarrocasSuperdragónSupermineroSupermontapuercos
Héroes Rey bárbaroReina arqueraGran centinelaLuchadora real
Equipo de héroes

Rey bárbaro: Bárbaro títereFrasco de furiaBotas de terremotoVampigoteGuantelete gigante

Reina arquera: Arquera títereFrasco de invisibilidadFlecha giganteCurandera títereFlecha congelada

Gran centinela: Libro eternoGema vitalGema de furiaLibro curativoBola de fuego

Luchadora real: Gema realEscudo letal • Montapuercos títere• Gema de aceleracion

Hechizos de elixir Hechizo de rayoHechizo de curaciónHechizo de furiaHechizo de saltoHechizo de hieloHechizo clonadorHechizo de invisibilidadHechizo de invocación
Hechizos oscuros Hechizo de venenoHechizo de terremotoHechizo de aceleraciónHechizo de esqueletosHechizo de murciélagos
Máquinas de asedio DestrozamurosDirigible bélicoArrojapiedrasCuartel de asedioLanzallamasLanzatroncosExcavadora de batalla
Animales L.A.S.S.IBúho eléctricoYakUnicornioMorsa glacialLagarto venenosoPangolín excavadorFénixZorro espiritual • Medusa furiosa