Castillo del clan

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« El castillo del clan alberga tu tesorería, ademas de las tropas de refuerzo y los hechizos que te envíen tus aliados. »


  • El Castillo del clan es un edificio vital en el juego, pues es necesario para poder unirse a un clan. Es el único edificio que alberga tropas que puedes usar tanto para atacar cómo para defenderte.
  • Al comenzar el juego, tienes el Castillo del clan en ruinas, y a su vez está rodeado de varios obstáculos. No puedes mover el castillo hasta que lo reconstruyas.
  • Cuando el castillo es reconstruido, el jugador puede crear un clan o unirse a uno que ya existe. Estando en un clan, se pueden pedir tropas cada 15 minutos, y otros miembros del mismo clan, al ver la petición en el chat, podrán voluntariamente donar un máximo de cinco unidades, las cuales se enviarán al castillo del solicitante.
  • A partir de la actualización del 9 de abril de 2014, el Castillo del clan se vuelve también un depósito dónde se almacena el botín de bonus ganado en guerras de clanes y en batallas multijugador. Cuanto mayor sea el nivel del Castillo del clan, más botín podrá almacenar.
  • Con cada nivel del clan se obtienen "bonificaciones", es decir, por ejemplo en el nivel 2 del clan el tiempo para pedir tropas se disminuye al 15 minutos por petición...
  • A partir de la actualización del 26 de enero del 2016 el botín del castillo del clan cambia y lo suplanta la tesorería que es donde se guarda todo el botín de Guerra de clanes y del Botín Estelar a partir de ahora la capacidad aumenta dependiendo del nivel de ayuntamiento y los Galardones del clan.

Estrategia defensiva

  • Cuando los enemigos entren en el rango de ataque de su castillo, que es de catorce casillas, las tropas que hay dentro saldrán en fila y atacarán. Las tropas que defienden la aldea podrán saltar los Muros.
  • Es buena idea ubicar el castillo afuera de la aldea para que las tropas tengan un mejor alcance al momento de defender la aldea.
  • Ya que el Castillo del clan cuenta con muchos puntos de vida, es una buena distracción para que el enemigo ataque mientras los edificios defensivos destruyen a las unidades enemigas.

Estrategia ofensiva

  • Hay que procurar vaciar el Castillo del clan, pues dependiendo de las tropas que haya dentro, pueden ser un obstáculo. Al desplegar una unidad cerca del radio del castillo, podremos ver qué unidades hay en éste.
  • Un camino fácil para eliminar tropas fuertes es colocar un gigante en un lugar lejano a la aldea, y cuando se acerquen a la zona alejada desplegar un ejército de arqueras, magos o cualquier tropa que dispare a terrestres y a aéreos que no tenga preferencias en cuanto a defensas... para hacer caer a las tropas fácilmente.
  • También puede hacerse uso del hechizo de rayo sacando todas las tropas del mismo, juntando en un montón a todas para que con un rayo queden eliminadas.
  • Si se cuenta con el hechizo de Hielo las tropas se pueden dejar dentro del castillo, cuando se este por enfrentarlas se les lanza el hechizo de Hielo así quedaran congeladas y a la merced de nuestras tropas que si son impulsadas un hechizo de rabia las destruirán sin mayor dificultad.
  • Si se quedan guardadas las bonificaciones el 50% serán robados, solo basta con mirar el lugar de arriba para saber si ahí es la fuente de recursos.
  • En los ataques poderosos como GoWiPe (Comúnmente en TH8 se utilizan ataques así) no hace falta intentar sacarlo ya que los magos son más que suficiente

Logros Relacionados

Amigos en apuros
Descripción Experience


Gems Recompensa
Dona refuerzos del valor de 100 capacidades a tus compañeros de clan 10 5
Dona refuerzos del valor de 5,000 capacidades a tus compañeros de clan 100 25
Dona refuerzos del valor de 25,000 capacidades a tus compañeros de clan 1,000 250
Sharing is caring
Descripcion Experience Recompensa Gems Recompensa
Donate 100 spell storage capacity worth of spells 20 20
Donate 2,000 spell storage capacity worth of spells 200 100
Donate 10,000 spell storage capacity worth of spells 2,000 500
Siege Sharer
Description Experience Rewards Gems Rewards
Donar 50 máquinas de asedio 20 20
Donar 1.000 máquinas de asedio 200 100
Donar 5.000 máquinas de asedio 2,000 500

==Descripciones de Iconos==

Icon Upgrade.pngAl tocar este icono begins upgrading the Castillo del clan to the next level, if you have enough resources and a free Builder. When the Castillo del clan is at maximum level, this icon is not shown.
Icon HoB.pngAl tocar este icono instantly upgrades the Castillo del clan to the next level, at the cost of one Hammer of Building if you have one. When the Castillo del clan is at maximum level, or if the Town Hall requirements for the next level are not met, this icon is not shown.
Icon FinishNow.pngTocando este icono, que sólo se muestra mientras una actualización está en curso, se termina instantáneamente esa actualización a costa del número de Gemas.
Icon FinishNowBoB.pngAl tocar este icono, which is displayed only while an upgrade is in progress, instantly finishes that upgrade at the cost of one Book of Building. This icon is only shown if you have at least one Book of Building.
Icon FinishNowBoE.pngAl tocar este icono, which is displayed only while an upgrade is in progress, instantly finishes that upgrade at the cost of one Book of Everything. This icon is only shown if you have at least one Book of Everything but do not have a Book of Building.
Icon BuilderPotion.pngAl tocar este icono, que sólo se muestra mientras hay una mejora en curso, potencia todos tus Constructores durante 1 hora por un factor de diez, a costa de una Builder Potion. Este icono sólo se muestra si tienes al menos una poción del constructor.
Icon Cancel.pngAl tocar este icono, que sólo se muestra mientras se está realizando una mejora, se cancela la mejora en curso y se devuelve la mitad del coste de la misma.


Patch Description
August 2, 2012 Introduction of the Clan Castle, with 4 levels.
August 30, 2012 Fixed the troop donation bug.
November 19, 2012 *Defending Clan Castle troops can now jump over Plantilla:H. This was suggested by many people in the forums.
  • The Clan Castle now has an activation radius.
November 23, 2012
  • The Clan Castle's hitpoints were increased due to people destroying it with spells (particularly the Santa's Surprise) before it could deploy any troops.
    • Level 1: 500 -> 1,000 Hitpoints
    • Level 2: 520 -> 1,400 Hitpoints
    • Level 3: 550 -> 2,000 Hitpoints
    • Level 4: 580 -> 2,600 Hitpoints
January 10, 2013
  • Clan members now get a troop donation score (counted as Clan Castle housing space filled).
  • The "Friend in Need" achievement now counts donated troops in terms of Clan Castle housing space filled.
April 17, 2013
  • Added the level 5 Clan Castle.
  • Clan troop donation information is now visible to all players, not just Clan members.
  • If Clan Castle has space for more troops, "Request" message displayed on top of it.
  • Clan Castle troops deploy faster to the battlefield.
  • When your village is under attack from flying units only, your melee troops will stay inside the Clan Castle.
June 17, 2013
  • Added speed up option to next Clan Castle troop request.
  • Players can now attach a custom message to a clan troop request.
  • Battle will not end automatically if player has unused Clan Castle troops.
August 15, 2013 Fixed issues with the Clan Castle.
September 17, 2013 Fixed a bug that caused troop donation bar seeming to be full even though Clan Castle wasn't.
January 29, 2014 The Clan Castle now display used capacity next to their name when they are selected.
April 9, 2014
  • Added the level 6 Clan Castle.
  • Clan Castles now protect war loot payouts and are lootable in battle.
  • Higher level Clan Castles hold more loot.
  • Only clan members can see what troops are hiding in the Clan Castle.
  • Decreased the cost of level 5 Clan Castle upgrade from 7,000,000 gold to 5,000,000 gold.
April 17, 2014 War Loot inside your Clan Castle was now even more safe.
May 16, 2014
  • Dismiss donated troops from your War Base Clan Castle if they don't meet your standards.
  • "Request/Full" texts are visible on the Clan Castle even while under upgrade.
September 16, 2014
  • Defending Clan Castle troops now use all 4 Castle doors when coming out (overall speed of deploying is still the same as before).
  • Troops can be dismissed from the Clan Castle. Previously, it was impossible to remove troops manually.
October 22, 2014 Increased War loot storage capacity on all levels.
December 11, 2014 Reduced the Clan Castle's rebuilding cost from 40,000 Gold to 10,000 Gold.
December 10, 2015
  • The player can request reinforcement spells, not just troops, starting from Clan Castle level 4. This was suggested by many people on the forums.
  • The Goblin now targets the Clan Castle, doing 2x damage.
  • Troop/Spell donation interface has been revamped and now shows existing donations.
December 16, 2015 Fixed a bug that could allow exceeding the limit of donated Clan Spells.
December 19, 2015
  • Added a Clan badge icon for donated Spells in the deployment bar.
  • Fixed the request/full/timer tips not showing correctly above the Clan Castle in certain situations
January 26, 2016
  • Clan Castles now house a well-protected resource bank: the Treasury.
  • The previous concept of "War Loot Storage" has been removed from the Clan Castle info screen, etc.
  • Treasury capacity is determined by Town Hall and Clan Perks levels. Clan Castle level has no effect.
  • Clan Castle visuals have been updated with the removal of the small storages on the roof.
  • Fixed bug where multiple Dark Spells could be donated to Clan Castle. Only one spell can be donated.
May 24, 2016
  • Donate fully trained Troops/Spells from production queues even if your army is full.
  • Gem Troops/Spells for donation directly from the donation context menu.
December 19, 2016 Added the level 7 Clan Castle (levels 5-6 upgrade costs and/or times decreased).
January 17, 2017
  • Correct troop capacity is now shown when holding the troop CC icon (ex: some CC would show 25/20 troops available due to "queued CC troops").
  • Fixed Clan Castle Spell capacity display for Clan Castle levels 1-6.
October 11, 2017 Donated troops will now travel through the Clan Path on the map.
December 18, 2017 Added Magic Items to Clan Castle.
June 11, 2018
  • Added the level 8 Clan Castle.
  • Added sleep mode, where it prevents your defending Clan Castle troops from defending your village, keeping them safe until the player needs them.
June 12, 2018 Troop donation requests now get hidden from you if you cannot act on them (i.e. they only have open slots for things that you don't yet have access to).
June 26, 2018 Reduced upgrade times of levels 2-7 Clan Castle.
October 23, 2018 Reduced gem donation cost of Balloon, Wizard, Dragon, P.E.K.K.A, Hog Rider, Valkyrie, Golem, Witch, Lava Hound, Bowler, Baby Dragon, Electro Dragon and increased gem cost donation of Giant and donating Siege Machine now gives 30 XP. Previously, it gave only 1 XP.
December 10, 2018
  • Players can change the Siege Machines/Clan Castle choice after the battle begins but before the Siege Machine has been deployed.
  • Fixed clan badge occasionally blinking for 1 frame when Clan Castle is in sleep mode.
  • Donated Siege Machines gives 30 housing space to Clan Games tasks.
April 2, 2019
  • Reduced upgrade times of levels 2-6 Clan Castle
  • Reduced upgrade costs of levels 6 and 7 Clan Castle.
  • Moved the Magic Items to the Town Hall.
December 9, 2019 Added the level 9 Clan Castle.
March 30, 2020 *A new option in the troop request menu allows for specific requests (and can also be toggled to restrict donations to max level donations).
  • Clan Castle reinforcements are now sorted by the following criteria in order:
    • Lowest housing space first.
    • If housing space is equal, troops are sorted by internal IDs (creates a seemingly arbitrary choice of deployment order).
    • If internal IDs are equal, then lowest level first.
  • Friendly Challenge-specific Clan Castle Troops: like Legend League, once they are set they will remain unchanged until you replace them.
  • Do not show CC spells in CC troop area in attack confirm screen if someone donates spells while the screen is open
March 30, 2020 (optional update) Fixed a bug in the quick donate menu where if a max level unit had been requested and the player did not have the unit maxed but would taking into account their clan's donation perk the items would not be sorted in the expected order of requested items first.
April 2, 2020
  • Fix the ability to donate lower than max level troops when max troops are requested.
  • Fix an issue where 2 Siege Machines were occasionally found in a Clan Castle or where some players were able to receive Poison Spell before they should be able to.
June 22, 2020
  • When saving donation requests the game also now includes Troops, Spells or Siege Machines that are already in the Clan Castle.
  • Season Challenges’ Troop-based tasks have been rebalanced in order to be able to be completed with Clan Castle reinforcements from Town Hall 9 and up.
  • Allow Quick Donation of any normal versions of Troops while the Super Troop version is enabled.
October 26, 2020 Housing space of opponent's Clan Castle in the info screen during preparation of War is no longer visible (now there should be a question mark instead).
December 7, 2020 The Clan Castle is now immune to Lightning Spells, like the storages.
April 12, 2021
  • Added the level 10 Clan Castle.
  • Clan Castle donations were capped by Clan Castle level.
  • Give proper error messages whenever donation to War Clan Castle fails.
  • Apply Clan Perks (and donation level caps) immediately when doing war donations instead of first adding the unmodified troop and then applying modifiers later.
April 13, 2021 Fixed a bug where the "Rebuild Clan Castle" task in Starter Challenges could wrongly be completed by attacking a player who had already repaired their Clan Castle.
June 16, 2021 Fixed missing Clan name over Clan Castle.
June 27, 2022 Changed the resource used to upgrade the Clan Castle: it now requires Elixir instead of Gold.


  • When the Clan Castle is selected, the activation radius can be seen. It and the hero altars are the only non-defensive buildings that demonstrate this behavior.
  • When clanmates donate troops, they march into your Clan Castle from the Clan Path located on one edge of the clearing. When you donate troops to your clanmates, they march from your Plantilla:Hs to the Clan Path and fade away.
  • Donated ground troops walk through Plantilla:H to get to your Clan Castle, rather than jumping over them.
  • The level 6 Clan Castle can be seen in the Party Wizard Party Time video, despite the Town Hall being at level 7.
  • If a rebuilt Clan Castle is destroyed in a raid, it will exactly resemble the original Clan Castle ruins.
    • This is true even after level 4, when it has taken on a different color scheme.
    • It is also the only building that resembles the ruin of itself when destroyed.
  • The Clan Castle ruin is repairable at Town Hall level 3 through regular gameplay. It is not available at earlier Town Hall levels, even with Gems, as it is impossible to construct and upgrade Elixir Storages to accommodate the needed amount until Town Hall level 3.
    • However, by using real-world money to purchase a resource pack at Town Hall level 2 (which allows players to overfill their storages), it is possible to obtain the necessary Elixir to rebuild the Clan Castle at Town Hall level 2.
    • The Winter Jam event that occurred during late 2019 before the release of Town Hall 13 and the Hammer Jam event in early 2021 temporarily halved the costs of buildings, making it possible for players with Town Hall 2 to rebuild the Clan Castle without needing to purchase resource packs.
  • The "full" bubble will normally show if your Clan Castle is full of troops, but it will not show if you are not in a clan.
  • While being upgraded, the countdown timer for the next troop request will be hidden by the countdown timer for the upgrade.
  • The bubble shows Treasury icon if your Clan Castle is full of resources.
  • A considerably loud sting plays when defensive donated troops exit from the Clan Castle. The audible sting seems to continue playing even after surrendering/ending battle and will not stop until the audio file is played all the way through. If the attacker deploys the offensive donated troops while the defensive troops exit from their castle, the music overlaps with two same loud stings.
    • The same track found in the game files is shorter in duration and higher in pitch before being altered programmatically.
  • If the Clan Castle finished upgrading during preparation day it will still have the previous level capacity in the war map although when scouting the base it'll seem on its normal level with bigger capacity.
  • The Clan Castle is similar to an obstacle in its initial state, like the Gem Mine, the Clock Tower and the Battle Machine Altar in the Builder Base.
  • The Clan Castle is the only building in the Home Village that can be rebuilt.
    • It is also the only building in the Home Village that is not found in the Shop but requires the cost of Resources to utilize (The Master Builder's Hut comes free).
    • Although the game never specifies what type of building it is, it might be a resource building due to goblins targeting it.
    • The Clan Castle is the only way Town Hall 11 and below can use Siege Machines.


Nivel de ayuntamiento 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Cantidad disponible 1*# 1* 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1
Nivel Level Vida Hitpoints

Capacidad de ejercito

Nivel Cap† delLaboratorio


Costo de mejora


Tiempo de mejora


Experiencia Experience Nivel de Ayuntamiento Requerido

Town Hall

Capacidad de tropas
Troop Capacity
Capacidad de hechizos
Troop Capacity
Capacidad de maquina de asedio
Troop Capacity
1 1,000 10 N/A N/A 5 10,000 N/A N/A 2*
2 1,400 15 N/A N/A 6 100,000 8h 169 4
3 2,000 20 N/A N/A 7 800,000 12h 207 6
4 2,600 25 1 N/A 8 1,200,000 1d 293 8
5 3,000 30 1 N/A 9 2,500,000 2d 415 9
6 3,400 35 1 1 10 4,200,000 5d 657 10
7 4,000 35 2 1 11 5,500,000 6d 6h 734 11
8 4,400 40 2 1 12 8,000,000 9d 881 12
9 4,800 45 2 1 13 10,000,000 11d 974 13
10 5,200 45 3 1 13 18,000,000 19d 1,281 14
11 5,400 50 3 1 13 20,000,000 20d 1,314 15
Radio de Activación Radius
13 casillas

*Técnicamente a través del juego normal sólo un jugador de Ayuntamiento 3 o superior tendrá suficiente espacio de almacenamiento para reparar el Castillo del Clan, pero los jugadores con Ayuntamientos inferiores que compren paquetes de recursos pueden reparar el Castillo del Clan antes - ver el trivial de arriba.

#†Aunque el Castillo del Clan está presente en el Ayuntamiento 1, se encuentra en un estado ruinoso y no es funcional.

†El límite de nivel del Laboratorio restringe los niveles de las unidades donadas al nivel máximo permitido por ese nivel de Laboratorio: por ejemplo, donar tropas a un Castillo de Clan de nivel 1 restringe el nivel de las tropas al máximo permitido por un Laboratorio de nivel 5 (esto no restringe los tipos de tropas donadas excepto las Super Tropas, que requieren que el Laboratorio pueda mejorar la tropa base a un nivel en el que la Super Tropa pueda ser potenciada, y el Taladro de Batalla, que requieren un Castillo de Clan de nivel 9 para ser recibidos).

Edificios de la Aldea Principal
Edificios defensivos CañónTorre de arquerasMorteroCohetes de defensaTorre del magoControlador aéreoTorre teslaTorre bombardera

BallestaTorre infernalÁguila de artilleriaCatapultaMonolitoTorre de hechizosCañón con reboteTorre de arqueras múltiple

Gigatorre teslaGigatorre Infernal (TH13)Gigatorre infernal (TH14)Gigatorre Infernal (TH15)Gigatorre Infernal (TH16)Muros

Trampas: BombaTrampa con muelleBomba aéreaConjunto de explosivosMina de rastreo aéreaTrampa de esqueletosTrampa tornado

Edificios de recursos AyuntamientoMina de oroRecolector de elixirExtractor de elixir oscuroAlmacén de oroAlmacén de elixir

Almacén de elixir oscuroCastillo del clan (Tesorería)

Edificios de ejército CampamentoCuartelCuartel oscuroLaboratorioCaldero de hechizosCaldero de hechizo oscuroTaller

Altar del rey bárbaroAltar de la reina arqueraAltar del gran centinelaAltar de la luchadora realHerrería

Otros edificios AdornosObstáculosChoza de constructor • Cabaña de B.O.B (Antiguo) • BarcoCarro de botín

Caravana del strongmanMercaderDirigibleForjaSupersauna