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Trader Main Banner.png
The Normal Trader's Setup

Resumen General

  • El Mercader es un No-Combatiente que vende Objetos mágicos por Gemas.
  • El aparece en la Aldea Principal una vez que el jugador que tenga su Ayuntamiento al 8. Su carpa/tienda esta ubicada en la izquierda del camino del Clan (desde el punto de vista del jugador).
  • Cuando El Mercader esta presente, el se para en frente de su tienda y le muestra al jugador un Objeto Mágico que saca de su bolsillo.

Lista de Ofertas

  • Todos los días, el aparece con 3 diferentes ofertas. Las ofertas pueden costar una cantidad de Gemas variada , incluso cuando son Objetos mágicos del mismo tipo. (Ej. Una Pócima de Entrenamiento puede costar 25 gemas o 0 gemas)
  • Debajo de la ventana de El Mercader habrá un contador que dice el tiempo que queda hasta que la oferta desaparezca y sea reemplazada por otra.
  • Si el jugador no tiene suficiente espacio para guardar un Objeto Mágico que El Mercader tiene en oferta, la oferta no podrá ser comprada, citando "Inventario Lleno" como razón. El jugador tendrá que hacer espacio para comprar el Objeto Mágico, sea vendiendolo por Gemas o usandolo.
  • El Mercader no vende ningún tipo de Martillos.
  • Abajo hay una lista de los objetos que El Mercader puede vender.
Objeto Mágico Nombre Precio Gems (En Gemas)
1x Training Potion.png Pócima de Entrenamiento 25 or 0
1x Clock Tower Potion.png Pócima del Tiempo 75
1x Research Potion.png Pócima de Investigación 120
1x Resource Potion.png Pócima de Recursos 115
1x Builder Potion.png Pócima del Constructor 285
1x Power Potion.png Pócima de Fuerza. 300
1x Hero Potion.png Pócima Heroica 300
1x Super Potion.png Superpócima 300
5x Wall Ring.png Anillo de Muros 500
10x Wall Ring.png Anillo de Muros 1,000
1x Shovel of Obstacles.png Pala para Obstáculos 500
1x Book of Heroes.png Libro de Héroes 500
1x Book of Fighting.png Libro de Lucha 925
1x Book of Spells.png Libro de Hechizos 925
1x Book of Building.png Libro de Construcción 925
1x Rune of Gold.png Runa de Oro 1,500
1x Rune of Elixir.png Runa de Elixir 1,500
1x Rune of Dark Elixir.png Runa de Elixir oscuro 3,000
1x Rune of Builder Gold.png Runa de Oro del Constructor 1,500
1x Rune of Builder Elixir.png Runa de Elixir del Constructor 1,500


Trader away.png
  • Si el jugador tiene un Ayuntamiento menor al Ayuntamiento 8 y no ha desbloqueado a El Mercader, una alfombra enrollada y un cartel con un papel estará en el lugar donde aparecerá El Mercader.
  • El Mercader tambien aparece en Clash Royale, juego de la misma compañía Supercell, donde este intercambia cartas con el jugador.
  • Trader Setup in Deals screen.jpg
    Una vez que los 3 Objetos mágicos hayan sido comprados, una foto de la tienda del Mercader aparecerá.
  • Las ofertas siguen un ciclo de 39 días. El ciclo puede ser visto en la tabla debajo, también las ofertas que ofrece.
  • El Mercader durante Navidad
    En ocasiones especiales, El Mercader puede que haga ofertas especiales que pueden durar varios días, las cuales pueden ser Objetos mágicos gratis y/o vender Objetos mágicos a precios mas bajo de lo normal. Esto a pasado 3 veces (hasta ahora) La primera vez en la Navidad de 2019, la segunda vez en el Décimo aniversario de Supercell en Mayo 2020 y la tercera vez en el Octavo Aniversario de Clash of Clans al comienzo de Agosto 2020.
  • El Mercader tiene un diente de oro, igual que El Constructor, como se ve en esta imágen (la imagen original redireccionaba a un link que ya no está disponible).
  • Comprar Objetos mágicos es mas "gema-eficiente" en ciertas circumstancias:
    • The Training Potion is gem-efficient as long as a one-gem army boost event is not active, since boosting troop training on its own costs 30 gems;
    • The Clock Tower Potion is always gem-efficient, since instantly boosting with 22 hours left costs 167 gems;
    • The Resource Potion is gem-efficient provided collectors are sufficiently upgraded and that a one-gem resource boost event is not active; a fully upgraded set of collectors at TH 7 costs 135 gems if boosted individually, while the Trader unlocks at TH 8;
    • The Builder Potion is more favorable on buildings that take shorter to upgrade: with 5 builders, the Builder Potion normally cuts 45 hours for 285 gems, which is roughly equal to the rate to instantly finish 4d 18h 25m 7s of Builder Time. However, with 6 builders (which usually saves 54 hours for 285 gems, or a cost of 126.7 gems per day), it is always gem-efficient (in terms of time saved per gem) to use the potion rather than to instantly finish even a 20-day upgrade (which costs 2603 gems for an average of 130.15 gems per day).
    • Likewise, the Research Potion is always gem-efficient; as it saves 23 hours for 120 gems (for an average of 125.2 gems per day), the cost per time saved is lower than that to skip the longest upgrades in the Laboratory (which costs an average of 131.1 gems per day for a 17.5d upgrade).
    • The Super Potion is always gem-efficient, since buying 25,000 Dark Elixir for a boost costs 1,000 gems. However, it is more expensive than a rune at TH 13(14) where a rune of Dark Elixir can fund 12(14) such boosts for 10 times the cost.
    • Buying Wall Rings is always cheaper than buying Resources from the Shop unless you waste the Wall Rings on lower-leveled Walls. However, it is more expensive than a rune at TH 13(14) where a rune of Gold/Elixir can fund 18(20) million resources for 15 times the cost.
    • The Book of Heroes is cheaper than using gems to finish if the remaining time is at least 2d 22h 53m 50s (Home Village) or 1d 0h 5m 45s (Builder Base);
    • The Book of Fighting/Spells/Building is cheaper than using gems to finish if the remaining time is at least 6d 9h 35m 59s (Home Village) or 2d 16h 53m 45s (Builder Base);
    • Assuming you always use Runes when the corresponding Storages are empty, the Rune of Gold/Elixir is cheaper than buying Resources from the Shop if the Storage capacity is higher than 4,375,000 (at TH 8), the Rune of Dark Elixir is cheaper than buying Resources from the Shop if the Storage capacity is higher than 100,000 (at TH 9), and the Rune of Builder Gold/Builder Elixir is cheaper than buying Resources from the Shop if the Storage capacity is higher than 1,562,500 (at BH 6).
Trader Cycle
Day Slot 1 Slot 2 Slot 3
1 10x Wall Ring.png
1,000 Gems
1x Research Potion.png
120 Gems
1x Builder Potion.png
285 Gems
2 1x Super Potion.png
300 Gems
1x Hero Potion.png
300 Gems
1x Rune of Elixir.png
1,500 Gems
3 1x Clock Tower Potion.png
75 Gems
5x Wall Ring.png
500 Gems
1x Builder Potion.png
285 Gems
4 1x Super Potion.png
300 Gems
1x Hero Potion.png
300 Gems
1x Rune of Builder Gold.png
1,500 Gems
5 1x Training Potion.png
1x Hero Potion.png
300 Gems
1x Book of Spells.png
925 Gems
6 1x Training Potion.png
25 Gems
1x Research Potion.png
120 Gems
1x Book of Heroes.png
500 Gems
7 1x Super Potion.png
300 Gems
1x Research Potion.png
120 Gems
1x Rune of Dark Elixir.png
3,000 Gems
8 1x Training Potion.png
25 Gems
5x Wall Ring.png
500 Gems
1x Builder Potion.png
285 Gems
9 10x Wall Ring.png
1,000 Gems
1x Shovel of Obstacles.png
500 Gems
1x Builder Potion.png
285 Gems
10 1x Super Potion.png
300 Gems
1x Hero Potion.png
300 Gems
1x Rune of Gold.png
1,500 Gems
11 1x Super Potion.png
300 Gems
1x Resource Potion.png
115 Gems
1x Book of Spells.png
925 Gems
12 1x Training Potion.png
25 Gems
5x Wall Ring.png
500 Gems
1x Book of Fighting.png
925 Gems
13 1x Training Potion.png
1x Research Potion.png
120 Gems
1x Builder Potion.png
285 Gems
14 1x Training Potion.png
25 Gems
1x Power Potion.png
300 Gems
1x Book of Building.png
925 Gems
15 5x Wall Ring.png
500 Gems
1x Research Potion.png
120 Gems
1x Book of Heroes.png
500 Gems
16 1x Training Potion.png
25 Gems
1x Power Potion.png
300 Gems
1x Builder Potion.png
285 Gems
17 10x Wall Ring.png
1,000 Gems
1x Resource Potion.png
115 Gems
1x Rune of Elixir.png
1,500 Gems
18 1x Training Potion.png
25 Gems
1x Research Potion.png
120 Gems
1x Builder Potion.png
285 Gems
19 1x Clock Tower Potion.png
75 Gems
1x Resource Potion.png
115 Gems
1x Book of Fighting.png
925 Gems
20 1x Training Potion.png
1x Resource Potion.png
115 Gems
1x Book of Heroes.png
500 Gems
21 1x Training Potion.png
25 Gems
1x Power Potion.png
300 Gems
1x Rune of Gold.png
1,500 Gems
22 1x Training Potion.png
25 Gems
1x Research Potion.png
120 Gems
1x Builder Potion.png
285 Gems
23 1x Training Potion.png
25 Gems
5x Wall Ring.png
500 Gems
1x Book of Spells.png
925 Gems
24 1x Training Potion.png
25 Gems
1x Research Potion.png
120 Gems
1x Builder Potion.png
285 Gems
25 1x Super Potion.png
300 Gems
1x Shovel of Obstacles.png
500 Gems
1x Book of Building.png
925 Gems
26 1x Clock Tower Potion.png
75 Gems
1x Research Potion.png
120 Gems
1x Book of Building.png
925 Gems
27 1x Super Potion.png
300 Gems
1x Power Potion.png
300 Gems
1x Builder Potion.png
285 Gems
28 1x Training Potion.png
25 Gems
1x Hero Potion.png
300 Gems
1x Book of Building.png
925 Gems
29 1x Training Potion.png
25 Gems
1x Resource Potion.png
115 Gems
1x Rune of Gold.png
1,500 Gems
30 1x Training Potion.png
25 Gems
1x Research Potion.png
120 Gems
1x Builder Potion.png
285 Gems
31 1x Training Potion.png
1x Power Potion.png
300 Gems
1x Builder Potion.png
285 Gems
32 1x Training Potion.png
25 Gems
1x Research Potion.png
120 Gems
1x Builder Potion.png
285 Gems
33 10x Wall Ring.png
1,000 Gems
1x Power Potion.png
300 Gems
1x Book of Heroes.png
500 Gems
34 1x Training Potion.png
25 Gems
1x Hero Potion.png
300 Gems
1x Builder Potion.png
285 Gems
35 1x Training Potion.png
25 Gems
5x Wall Ring.png
500 Gems
1x Rune of Gold.png
1,500 Gems
36 5x Wall Ring.png
500 Gems
1x Power Potion.png
300 Gems
1x Builder Potion.png
285 Gems
37 1x Clock Tower Potion.png
75 Gems
1x Resource Potion.png
115 Gems
1x Book of Fighting.png
925 Gems
38 1x Training Potion.png
1x Resource Potion.png
115 Gems
1x Builder Potion.png
285 Gems
39 1x Rune of Builder Elixir.png
1,500 Gems
1x Resource Potion.png
115 Gems
1x Builder Potion.png
285 Gems
Magic Items per Cycle
Magic Item Training Potion.png Resource Potion.png Power Potion.png Builder Potion.png Clock Tower Potion.png Hero Potion.png Research Potion.png Super Potion.png Wall Ring.png Shovel of Obstacles.png
Per Cycle 21
(5 free)
8 7 17 4 6 11 7 7 x5
4 x10
Magic Item Book of Building.png Book of Fighting.png Book of Spells.png Book of Heroes.png Rune of Gold.png Rune of Elixir.png Rune of Dark Elixir.png Rune of Builder Gold.png Rune of Builder Elixir.png
Per Cycle 4 3 3 4 4 2 1 1 1