Usuario:RayanGames10/Sitio de pruebas

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  • Los cuarteles te permiten entrenar a las Tropas usando el Elixir. Después, cuando esas Tropas han terminado de entrenar, irán a los Campamentos.
  • El ritmo de entrenamiento de las Tropas depende del número de los Cuarteles que puedan entrenar a dichas Tropas; El tiempo de entrenamiento de la tropa es inversamente proporcional al número de Cuarteles que tiene, y se puede determinar dividiendo el tiempo de entrenamiento base de una tropa (tiempo de entrenamiento con un Cuartel) por el número de Cuarteles disponibles capaces de entrenar a esa tropa, redondeando hacia abajo cualquier fracción de segundos.
    • Por ejemplo, los Bárbaros tienen un tiempo de entrenamiento base de 20 segundos. Si tienes cuatro Cuarteles disponibles, un Bárbaro tardará 5 segundos en entrenarse. Sin embargo, si solo tienes dos Cuarteles disponibles, un Bárbaro tardará 10 segundos en entrenarse.
  • Los Cuarteles no pueden funcionar mientras se mejoran, lo que aumenta considerablemente el tiempo que lleva entrenar a sus ejércitos; esto debe tenerse en cuenta al decidir actualizar uno de sus cuarteles.
  • Una vez que hayas puesto a las Tropas en cola en tus Cuarteles, puedes completar instantáneamente su entrenamiento con Gemas; la cantidad requerida es directamente proporcional a la cantidad de tiempo que queda para terminar el entrenamiento con normalidad.
  • También existe la opción de aumentar la producción de las Tropas durante una hora. La opción de impulso cuesta 30 Gemas y aumentará la velocidad de entrenamiento de todas las Tropas en un factor de 4.
    • Nota: El temporizador de aumento continuará la cuenta atras incluso si no estás entrenando Tropas, así que no aumentes tus Cuarteles hasta que estés listo para usarlo.
  • Cuando haces clic para impulsar los Cuarteles, aparece un reloj durante unos segundos.
  • Las Tropas pueden ser retirados de la cola de entrenamiento del Cuartel sin ninguna penalización; se le devolverá el 100% del coste del Elixir.
  • Puedes poner en cola más Tropas de las que puede contener tus Campamentos. Esto es útil por dos razones:
    • Puedes poner en cola las Tropas antes de entrar en combate (ya sea en la Campaña individual o en multijugador). Tus cuarteles seguirán creando Tropas incluso después de que se llenen los campamentos; estas Tropas en cola llenarán tus campamentos del ejército una vez que se hayan utilizado las Tropas existentes.
    • Puedes poner en cola tus Tropas para "esconder" Elixir mientras estés desconectado, siempre y cuando tus Campamentos estén llenos. Actualmente se pueden ocultar hasta 437.100 Elixir de esta manera poniendo en cola diez Dragones eléctricos de nivel 4, un P.E.K.K.A de nivel 9 y un Mago de nivel 10 si el jugador tiene 271/300 espacios de Campamento ocupados. Cuando vuelvas, sólo tienes que anular la cola de entrenamiento para recuperar tu Elixir oculto.
      • Sin embargo, a partir de la actualización del 12/10/16, si haces esto, ya no puedes ocultar simultáneamente Elixir oscuro poniendo en cola tus Tropas de Elixir Oscuro.
  • Destruir un Cuartel en un ataque no interrumpe su producción de las tropas de ninguna manera.

Aspecto De Mejora

  • Barracks undergo significant visual changes at level 6, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13 and 14.
    • When initially constructed, the Barracks is a square building with a sloped red roof with a small window and door-less entryway. The roof is emblazoned with a pair of crossed swords. The building itself resembles a larger Builder's Hut, but with various differences. The swords on the roof symbolize the Barbarian, unlocked at this level. A small window is carved in the stone wall.
    • At level 2, the Barracks gains a pair of archery targets on the side of the structure (complete with several arrows stuck in the targets as well as the side of the building) and a sword rack by the door holding a pair of Barbarian swords. The archery target represents the Archer, unlocked at this level.
    • At level 3, the Barracks' single-sloped roof is extended to become a slightly taller peaked roof, and the door is enlarged. Both of these modifications are possibly made in order to accommodate the larger Giant units unlocked at this level. The Barracks appears to be more regularly used, as additional arrows appear in the targets (and on the walls), a third sword appears on the rack and a sword is stuck in the left side of the door.
    • At level 4, one of the archery targets is relocated to the front of the structure to the left of the doorway, and one of the arrows on the wall is removed, leaving only one. The structure also becomes slightly taller. The Barbarian sword on the wall is moved to the rack. Goblins do not appear to be represented in this Barracks.
    • At level 5, a small wooden barrier (made of level 1 Plantilla:H) is added along one side of the structure. The sword rack is replaced with a bomb rack, complete with a pair of Bombs. In addition, two thighbones appears on the ground in front of the door. The Plantilla:H, bones, and Bombs appear to represent the Wall Breaker - it is reasonable to assume that Wall Breakers use the Plantilla:H for training purposes as the Archers do with the archery targets.
    • At level 6, the Plantilla:H are replaced with a crude Balloon launch consisting of a wooden lattice structure supporting a raised wooden platform, similar to a level 1 Plantilla:H. A rope tether also hangs from the raised wooden platform, currently tied off to a small stake on the ground. One of the two thighbones disappears.
    • At level 7, the bomb rack is replaced with a spell-casting cauldron that appears to represent the Wizard, the unit unlocked at this level, and the remaining thighbone disappears.
    • At level 8, the crude Balloon launch platform is upgraded to a much sturdier, golden metal version. The square wooden platform is replaced with a sunburst-style one, affixed to the support structure with four large rivets. The rope tether's anchor location moves from the ground to the top of the roof. It is possible that the golden, sunburst-shaped launching platform refers to the golden Healer unlocked at this level.
    • At level 9, the giant swords on the roof of the Barracks are replaced with what appears to be either a louvered black vent or a vat of molten lava. Either way, the fire-breathing (and, when upgraded to level 4 with the Laboratory, flaming-eyed) Dragons are probably the units that prompted this addition.
    • At level 10, the entire structure, including the edges of the roof, is clad in gray metal with golden rivets. The sword rack seen next to earlier levels of the building replaces the spell-casting cauldron, now sporting five swords instead of four. Finally, the large louvered vent is replaced with a massive P.E.K.K.A head, obviously representing the P.E.K.K.A.
    • At level 11, the P.E.K.K.A head is replaced once again by a window similar to level 9, but this time smaller with crossed grating rather than straight. The rooftop gets 2 gold-reinforced middle corners. The sword rack is replaced by two Baby Dragon eggs. The sun-shaped platform is now replaced with a reinforced wooden platform with a red top. A leash, supposedly to contain the Plantilla:H, appears at the top of the platform, while at its bottom, a buried sword is shown.
    • At level 12, the small window on top is covered with a pair of shovels crossed together with a miner hat on top. The dragon eggs are replaced with a mining cart and rail to represent the Miner and the previously buried sword disappears again.
    • At level 13, the grey metal on edges grow darker, the raised platform changes into mountain- like structure, the roof has got two black colored antennas and an electricity box to represent its ability to train Electro Dragons.
    • At level 14, the two black-colored antennas on the roof is replaced by an ice furnace. 3 Yetimites are seen in the furnace. The mountain-like structure is replaced by a purple colored platform on top of an iceberg. The box is replaced by the Yeti's basket, representing the Yeti and his Yetimites.


Descubre Nuevas Tropas
Descripción Recompensas Experience Recompensas Gems
Desbloquea la Arquera en el Cuartel. 10 5
Desbloquea la Curandera en el Cuartel. 100 10
Desbloquea el Dragon en el Cuartel. 1,000 20


  • The Barracks was in the original release of the game on August 2, 2012, with 10 levels.
  • In November 19, 2012 update, you can now boost up your Barracks, starting at level 4. Also, Barracks now emit a warm glow of light when training Tropas.
  • The January 10, 2013 update reduced upgrade cost of level 8 Barracks by 30%.
  • The March 12, 2013 update made it so that if a Barracks is being upgraded, its queued Tropas no longer count towards the "Troop capacity after training" count in the Barracks' training screen.
  • The May 23, 2013 update improved Barracks where you could browse through Barracks by tapping arrows.
  • The December 5, 2013 update added "Training capacity" to Barracks info and upgrade screens.
  • The January 29, 2014 update reduced boost cost and duration of Barracks from 4 hours/20 gems to 2 hours/10 gems.
  • The December 11, 2014 update increased the Barracks HP on almost all levels, and moved the Giant to be the third troop unlocked and the Goblin to be the fourth.
  • The July 1, 2015 update gave the Barracks an update:
    • Improved the Barracks interface:
      • Train your army with a new Training button just above Attack - no more Barracks-hunting
      • Army Overview lets you view, request Tropas and edit your army, including spells!
    • Increased HP of levels 5-10 Barracks:
      • Level 5 increased from 410 to 420.
      • Level 6 increased from 450 to 470.
      • Level 7 increased from 490 to 520.
      • Level 8 increased from 530 to 600.
      • Level 9 increased from 570 to 720.
      • Level 10 increased from 610 to 860.
  • The December 10, 2015 update reduced army boosts to 5 gems for 1 hour of boost. Tropas can now also be queued in sequence like the Spell Factory.
  • In the March 21, 2016 update, Army Overview shows time until training/brewing is complete, also accounting for active boosts.
  • The May 24, 2016 update gave the Barracks an update:
    • Added the levels 11 and 12 Barracks.
    • You can now drag Tropas/spells anywhere into a training queue - training progress is transferred.
    • Changed the "Training Finished" sound effect. Prior to this update, the "Training Finished" sounded like this.
  • The October 12, 2016 update revamped Army Training, merging all Barracks and Dark Barracks queues into a single queue (whose capacity is now dependent on Plantilla:H levels rather than Barracks levels), and adjusting Tropas' training times to be inversely proportional to the number of Barracks capable of training a troop. The update also added Quick Train, a feature allowing players to save specific army presets and quickly train said presets with a single button.
    • The same update also increased the boost cost of the Barracks to 30 gems - though this boosted all Barracks and Dark Barracks at once; boosting individual Barracks was no longer possible.
  • The June 11, 2018 update added the level 13 Barracks.
  • The June 26, 2018 balance changes gave the Barracks an upgrade time reduction at levels 2-12.
  • The April 2, 2019 update reduced upgrade times of level 1-13 Barracks and reduced upgrade costs of level 9-12.
  • The December 9, 2019 update added the level 14 Barracks.
  • The June 15, 2021 update added the level 15 Barracks.


  • The Level 13 Barracks has electricity between the antennas on the roof while training.
  • If you only have one Barracks that can train a particular troop and you upgrade the Barracks, any of that troop that is still in the queue will continue training at the base rate. Of course, no new instances of that troop can be trained until another Barracks is upgraded to allow training them, or until the upgrade completes.
  • Newly trained Tropas walk through Plantilla:H to get to their assigned Plantilla:Hs. This only occurs if either your Barracks or your Plantilla:H is surrounded by Plantilla:H with no openings.
    • If a troop has been boosted into their Super version, they appear as their normal versions when emerging from the Barracks, and will then detour to the Super Sauna to get transformed into their Super form before making to the Plantilla:Hs.
  • If a troop upgrade finishes in your Laboratory while you have that particular troop type queued in your Barracks, the units within that queue will be produced at the newly upgraded level, even though they were queued at the previous level's cost. This holds true even if you un-queue the Tropas without producing them; you will be credited the newly upgraded troop cost in Elixir.
    • Many players take advantage of this by filling their Barracks queues with Tropas that are about to be upgraded, un-queuing them after the upgrade finishes and pocketing some free Elixir.
  • Although the P.E.K.K.A's appearance was changed since the June 17, 2013 update that also affected her 2D sprite, the P.E.K.K.A's helmet atop the Barracks remain unchanged with a classic appearance.
  • Prior to the October 23, 2018 update that changed the shop, the army category depicted Barracks with orange roofing which is what the Barracks looked like in the beta version of the game.
  • If Altars do not count, the Barracks is the Plantilla:H which has the highest level.
  • In Clash Royale, the Barbarian Hut card closely resembles a level 1 Barracks from Clash of Clans, only that it now has a blue roof; however, from the enemy's point of view, it is red. The Barbarian Hut also has a small hole in the roof that the Barracks does not have, a keg of Elixir, and is more reinforced. Coincidentally, the Barbarian Hut only spawns Barbarians similarly to how the level 1 Barracks only allows the training of Barbarians.

Descripciones de Iconos

Icon Info.pngAl tocar este icono muestra información sobre el RayanGames10/Sitio de pruebas, como Nivel y Vida.
Icon Upgrade.pngAl tocar este icono begins upgrading the RayanGames10/Sitio de pruebas to the next level, if you have enough resources and a free Builder. When the RayanGames10/Sitio de pruebas is at maximum level, this icon is not shown.
Icon HoB.pngAl tocar este icono instantly upgrades the RayanGames10/Sitio de pruebas to the next level, at the cost of one Hammer of Building if you have one. When the RayanGames10/Sitio de pruebas is at maximum level, or if the Town Hall requirements for the next level are not met, this icon is not shown.
Icon FinishNow.pngTocando este icono, que sólo se muestra mientras una actualización está en curso, se termina instantáneamente esa actualización a costa del número de Gemas.
Icon FinishNowBoB.pngAl tocar este icono, which is displayed only while an upgrade is in progress, instantly finishes that upgrade at the cost of one Book of Building. This icon is only shown if you have at least one Book of Building.
Icon FinishNowBoE.pngAl tocar este icono, which is displayed only while an upgrade is in progress, instantly finishes that upgrade at the cost of one Book of Everything. This icon is only shown if you have at least one Book of Everything but do not have a Book of Building.
Icon BuilderPotion.pngAl tocar este icono, que sólo se muestra mientras hay una mejora en curso, potencia todos tus Constructores durante 1 hora por un factor de diez, a costa de una Builder Potion. Este icono sólo se muestra si tienes al menos una poción del constructor.
Icon Cancel.pngAl tocar este icono, que sólo se muestra mientras se está realizando una mejora, se cancela la mejora en curso y se devuelve la mitad del coste de la misma.
Icon Boost1h.pngAl tocar este icono boosts your troop training for 1 hour, reducing the time required to train troops by a factor of four for the duration of the boost.
Icon TrainingPotion.pngAl tocar este icono boosts your troop and Siege Machine training, spell brewing and hero regeneration for 1 hour, reducing the time by a factor of four for the duration of the boost, at the cost of one Training Potion. This icon is only shown if you have at least one Training Potion.
Icon Resume.pngAl tocar este icono resumes a paused boost to your troop training. This icon is only shown if you have an active troop training boost that was paused by a maintenance break.
Icon TrainTroops.pngAl tocar este icono opens up the troop training interface, allowing you to train troops.


Nivel de Ayuntamiento 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15
Número Disponible 1 2 2 3 3 3 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4 4
Tamaño Size
Unidad Desbloqueada
Puntos de Vida
Coste de mejora Elixir Tiempo de Mejora
Experiencia Ganada Experience Nivel de Ayuntamiento Requerido
Town Hall


250 100 10s 3 1


290 500 1m 7 1


330 2,500 10m 24 1


370 5,000 1h 60 2


420 10,000 4h 120 3

Globo bombástico

470 80,000 8h 169 4


520 240,000 12h 207 5


580 700,000 16h 240 6


650 1,000,000 1d 293 7
10 P.E.K.K.A 730 1,500,000 1d 12h 360 8
11 Bebé Dragón 810 2,000,000 2d 12h 464 9
12 Minero 900 3,000,000 4d 587 10
13 Dragón Eléctrico 980 4,000,000 6d 720 11
14 Yeti 1,050 5,000,000 9d 881 12
15 Montadragones 1,150 6,000,000 11d 974 13
Elixir Tiempo de entrenamiento de las Tropas de Elixir Elixir
Tropa Número de Cuarteles Disponibles
1 Cuartel 2 Cuarteles 3 Cuarteles 4 Cuarteles
Bárbaro 20s 10s 6s 5s
Arquera 24s 12s 8s 6s
Gigante 2m 1m 40s 30s
Duende 28s 14s 9s 7s
Rompemuros 1m 30s 20s 15s
Globo bombástico 2m 1m 40s 30s
Mago 2m 1m 40s 30s
Curandera 8m 4m 2m 40s 2m
Dragon 12m 6m 4m 3m
P.E.K.K.A 12m 6m 4m 3m
Bebé Dragón 6m 3m 2m 1m 30s
Minero 2m 1m 40s 30s
Dragón Eléctrico 24m 12m 8m 6m
Yeti 12m 6m 4m 3m
Montadragones 16m 40s 8m 20s 5m 33s 4m 10s
Super Troops SuperTropas Super Troops
Superbárbaro 1m 40s 50s 33s 25s
Superarquera 4m 48s 2m 24s 1m 36s 1m 12s
Duende Furtivo 1m 24s 42s 28s 21s
Supergigante 4m 2m 1m 20s 1m
Superrompemuros 4m 2m 1m 20s 1m
Globo Cohete 3m 12s 1m 36s 1m 4s 48s
Supermago 5m 2m 30s 1m 40s 1m 15s
Dragón Infernal 9m 4m 30s 3m 2m 15s