Desafíos de temporada/Lista

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A continuación se muestra una lista de los desafíos disponibles en los desafíos de la temporada. A excepción de los desafíos diarios, estos desafíos duran toda la temporada y comienzan cuando se revelan.

Hay 6 desafíos disponibles al comienzo de una temporada, el día 1 del mes, y se revelan grupos de 6 desafíos adicionales los días 8, 15 y 22 del mismo mes, para un total de 24 desafíos no diarios por temporada.

Los desafíos son los mismos para todos; no todos los desafíos podrán ser completados por todos (por ejemplo, los jugadores del Ayuntamiento 7 no pueden completar los desafíos que requieren el despliegue de Supertropas, ya que no pueden acceder a ellos de ninguna manera), sin embargo, los desafíos son elegidos de tal manera que habrá suficientes puntos disponibles de estos desafíos para permitir a todos alcanzar el nivel de recompensa final.

Muchos de los desafíos no diarios tienen varias configuraciones:

Regular, que es el reto normal;

Épico, que tiene un objetivo más alto y una recompensa mayor que el normal;

Maratón, que tiene un objetivo aún más alto y una recompensa aún mayor que la épica.

Desafíos Diarios

Estos desafíos se actualizan diariamente; un temporizador de 24 horas comienza en cuanto te conectas por primera vez en una nueva temporada, y luego se actualiza cada 24 horas a partir de entonces. Solo hay 3 desafíos diarios, y estos desafíos aparecen todos los días:

Nombre Iconoo Tarea Recompensa
Daily Battle Star ChallengesIcon Daily Battle Star.png Consigue una estrella en una batalla multijugador. 20 Points
Daily Versus Star ChallengesIcon Daily Versus Star.png Consigue una estrella en una batalla Versus. 20 Points
Daily Donations ChallengesIcon Daily Donations.png Dona un total de 15 espacios de vivienda de las tropas. 20 Points

La donación de una máquina de asedio también se puede hacer para completar el desafío, ya que cuenta como la donación de 30 espacios de vivienda por valor de las tropas.

Desafíos de botín

Estos Desafíos requieren que el Jugador asalte recursos de otras aldeas. Este tipo de desafío se realiza en la aldea principal.

Recursos del botín de una sola incursión

Asaltar la cantidad de recursos objetivo en una sola incursión.

Nombre Iconoo Regular
Gold Challenge ChallengesIcon Gold Challenge.png 200,000 Gold
Elixir Challenge ChallengesIcon Elixir Challenge.png 200,000 Elixir
Dark Elixir Challenge ChallengesIcon Dark Elixir Challenge.png 2,000 Dark Elixir
Recompensa Points 80

Total de recursos saqueados en los asaltos

Raid the target amount of resources.

Nombre Icono Requerimientos
Regular Épico Maratón
Gold Grab ChallengesIcon Gold Grab.png 2,500,000 Gold 6,250,000 Gold 10,000,000 Gold
Elixir Embezzlement ChallengesIcon Elixir Embezzlement.png 2,500,000 Elixir 6,250,000 Elixir 10,000,000 Elixir
Dark Elixir Heist ChallengesIcon Dark Elixir Heist.png 25,000 Dark Elixir 62,500 Dark Elixir 100,000 Dark Elixir
Reward Points 100 200 320

Home Village Battle Challenges

These Challenges require the challenger to go to either multiplayer battles or Clan Wars and achieve certain objectives.

Gain Stars or Destruction in Raids

Score the required amount of stars or the required total percentage of destruction.

Nombre Icono Requerimientos
Regular Epic Marathon
Star Collector ChallengesIcon Star Collector.png 15 50 80
Lord of Destruction ChallengesIcon Lord of Destruction.png 500% 1,250% 3,000%
Reward Points 80 200 320

Win Raids

Win the required amount of battles.

Nombre Icono Requerimientos
Regular Epic Marathon
Pile of Victories ChallengesIcon Pile of Victories.png 10 25 40
Reward Points 80 200 320

Win Consecutive Raids

Achieve a winning streak of attacks consisting of the target number of battles within the allotted time. Should the player lose an attack, the player must start over. Defending opponents' attacks have no effect on this streak, regardless of the result.

Nombre Icono Requerimientos
Regular Epic Marathon
Winning Streak ChallengesIcon Pile of Victories.png 4 6 8
Reward Points 80 160 240

Win Three-Star Raids

Win raids with three stars.

Nombre Icono Number of Battles
Hunt for Three Stars ChallengesIcon Hunt for Three Stars.png 5
Reward Points 160

Gain Stars Against Certain Town Hall

Score the target number of stars against players with a certain Town Hall level.

Nombre Icono Opponent Town Hall Level
Scrappy 6s ChallengesIcon Scrappy 6s.png 6
Super 7s ChallengesIcon Super 7s.png 7
Exciting 8s ChallengesIcon Exciting 8s.png 8
Noble 9s ChallengesIcon Noble 9s.png 9
Terrific 10s ChallengesIcon Terrific 10s.png 10
Exotic 11s ChallengesIcon Exotic 11s.png 11
Triumphant 12s ChallengesIcon Triumphant 12s.png 12
Attack Up ChallengesIcon Attack Up.png Higher than own*
Total Stars won from Raids Reward Points
15 120

*Gives 160 points instead of 120.

Gain Stars Against Certain League

Score a certain number of stars against players within a certain league.

Nombre Icono Opponent League
Slaying the Titans ChallengesIcon Slaying the Titans.png Titan
Total Stars won from Raids Reward Points
10 240

Gain Stars from Clan Wars

Score stars against Clan War opponents. This total includes stars scored against opponents in Clan War Leagues.

Nombre Icono Number of Stars
All You Need is War ChallengesIcon All You Need is War.png 15
Reward Points 240

Win battles from Clan Wars

Win battles against Clan War opponents. This total includes wins scored against opponents in Clan War Leagues.

Nombre Icono Number of Stars
War Hero ChallengesIcon All You Need is War.png 6
Reward Points 200

Gain Stars in the First 60 Seconds

Gain Stars within one minute of the start of a Multiplayer Battle. Players can continue to earn Stars for other challenges after the first minute, but they will not count toward this total.

Nombre Icono Stars Needed
Regular Epic
Speedy Stars ChallengesIcon Speedy Stars.png 15 30
Reward Points 200 400

Complete Star Bonuses

Complete the Daily Star Bonus the required number of times.

Nombre Icono Requerimientos
Regular Epic
Star Material ChallengesIcon Star Material.png 3 7
Reward Points 80 200

Gain Stars from Friendly Challenges

Score stars in Home Village Friendly Challenges.

Nombre Icono Number of Stars
Practice Makes Perfect ChallengesIcon Practice Makes Perfect.png 3
Reward Points 50

Builder Base Battle Challenges

These specific Challenges require the challenger to go to Versus Battles and achieve certain objectives.

Gain Stars or Destruction in Versus Battles

Score the required amount of stars or the required total percentage of destruction.

Nombre Icono Requerimientos
Regular Epic Marathon
Builder Battle Star Master ChallengesIcon Builder Battle Star Master.png 30 75 120
Builder Battle Destructor ChallengesIcon Builder Battle Destructor.png 1,125% 2,875% 4,500%
Reward Points 80 200 320

Win Versus Battles

Win the required number of battles.

Nombre Icono Battles Won
Regular Epic Marathon
Builder Battle Victories ChallengesIcon Builder Battle Victories.png 10 20 30
Reward Points 80 160 240

Gain Stars in the First 60 Seconds

Gain Stars within one minute of the start of a Versus Battle. Players can continue to earn Stars for the "Builder Battle Star Master" challenge after the first minute, but they will not count toward this total.

Nombre Icono Number of Stars
Sudden Stars ChallengesIcon Sudden Stars.png 15
Reward Points 200

Complete Versus Battle Rewards

Complete the Versus Battle Rewards (i.e. achieve the third win for Versus Battle loot) the required number of times.

Nombre Icono Requerimientos
Regular Epic
Loot Magnet ChallengesIcon Loot Magnet.png 3 7
Reward Points 80 200

Gain Stars from Friendly Challenges

Score stars in Builder Base Friendly Challenges.

Nombre Icono Number of Stars
Hammering Out the Strategies ChallengesIcon Hammering Out the Strategies.png ?
Reward Points ?

Home Village Destruction Challenges

These challenges task the challenger with destroying certain Buildings or knocking out certain Heroes in multiplayer battles.

Destroy Certain Buildings

Destroy a certain number of a particular building.

Nombre Icono Target Building Requerimientos
Regular Epic
Cannon Carnage ChallengesIcon Cannon Carnage.png Cannon 50 125
Archer Tower Assault ChallengesIcon Archer Tower Assault.png Archer Tower 40 100
Mortar Mauling ChallengesIcon Mortar Mauling.png Mortar 20 50
Destroy Air Defenses ChallengesIcon Destroy Air Defenses.png Air Defense 20 50
Wizard Tower Warfare ChallengesIcon Wizard Tower Warfare.png Wizard Tower 30 75
Destroy Tesla Towers ChallengesIcon Destroy Tesla Towers.png Hidden Tesla 20 50
Destroy Bomb Towers ChallengesIcon Destroy Bomb Towers.png Bomb Towers 10 25
Destroy X-Bows* ChallengesIcon Destroy X-Bows.png X-Bow 20 50
Clan Castle Charge ChallengesIcon Clan Castle Charge.png Clan Castle 10 25
Gold Storage Raid ChallengesIcon Gold Storage Raid.png Gold Storage 30 75
Elixir Storage Raid ChallengesIcon Elixir Storage Raid.png Elixir Storage 30 75
Dark Elixir Storage Raid ChallengesIcon Dark Elixir Storage Raid.png Dark Elixir Storage 10 25
Gold Mine Mayhem ChallengesIcon Gold Mine Mayhem.png Gold Mine 40 100
Elixir Pump Elimination ChallengesIcon Elixir Pump Elimination.png Elixir Collector 40 100
Dark Elixir Plumbers ChallengesIcon Dark Elixir Plumbers.png Dark Elixir Drill 20 50
Reward Points 80 200

*Gives 25% more points (i.e. 100 and 250 points respectively).

Nombre Icono Target Building Requerimientos
Regular Epic Marathon
Destroy Inferno Towers ChallengesIcon Destroy Inferno Towers.png Inferno Tower 10 24 32
Eagle Artillery Elimination ChallengesIcon Eagle Artillery Elimination.png Eagle Artillery 5 12 16
Reward Points 100 240 320
Nombre Icono Target Building Requerimientos
Regular Epic
Destroy Air Sweepers ChallengesIcon Destroy Air Sweepers.png Air Sweeper 10 25
Laboratory Strike ChallengesIcon Laboratory Strike.png Laboratory 10 25
Spell Factory Sabotage ChallengesIcon Spell Factory Sabotage.png Spell Factory 10 25
Dark Spell Factory Sabotage ChallengesIcon Dark Spell Factory Sabotage.png Dark Spell Factory 10 25
Destroy Barbarian King Altars ChallengesIcon Destroy Barbarian King Altars.png Barbarian King Altar 10 25
Destroy Archer Queen Altars ChallengesIcon Destroy Archer Queen Altars.png Archer Queen Altar 10 25
Destroy Grand Warden Altars ChallengesIcon Destroy Grand Warden Altars.png Grand Warden Altar 10 25
Reward Points 60 150
Nombre Icono Target Building Requerimientos
Regular Epic
Building Breakdown ChallengesIcon Building Boom Boom.png All 250 1,250
Wall Whacker ChallengesIcon Wall Whacker.png Walls 125 625
Reward Points 80 400

Knock out a total level of Heroes

Knock out defending Heroes whose levels total to the target number. For example, defeating a level 10 Barbarian King counts as 10 points to the "King Level Hunter" and "Hero Level Hunter" challenges.

Nombre Icono Target Hero Requerimientos
Regular Epic
King Level Hunter ChallengesIcon King Level Hunter.png Barbarian King 250 500
Queen Level Hunter ChallengesIcon Queen Level Hunter.png Archer Queen 250 500
Warden Level Hunter ChallengesIcon Warden Level Hunter.png Grand Warden 100 200
Hero Level Hunter ChallengesIcon Hero Level Hunter.png All 500 1,000
Reward Points 120 240

Builder Base Destruction Challenges

These challenges task the challenger with destroying certain buildings in Versus Battles.

Nombre Icono Target Building Requerimientos
Regular Epic
Builder Hall Blow-Up ChallengesIcon Builder Hall Blow-Up.png Builder Hall 15 40
Double Cannon Trouble ChallengesIcon Double Cannon Trouble.png Double Cannon 30 75
Firecracker Tackle ChallengesIcon Firecracker Tackle.png Firecrackers 30 75
Crushing the Crushers ChallengesIcon Crushing the Crushers.png Crusher 15 40
Bombs Away! ChallengesIcon Bombs Away!.png Air Bombs 15 40
Unguarding the Posts ChallengesIcon Unguarding the Posts.png Guard Post 15 40
Fire All Barrels! ChallengesIcon Fire All Barrels!.png Multi Mortar 15 40
Fireman on Duty ChallengesIcon Fireman on Duty.png Roaster 15 40
Giant Problem ChallengesIcon Giant Problem.png Giant Cannon 15 40
Shocking Turn of Events ChallengesIcon Shocking Turn of Events.png Mega Tesla 15 40
Launcher Stomp ChallengesIcon Launcher Stomp.png Lava Launcher 15 40
Reward Points 80 200
Nombre Icono Target Building Requerimientos
Regular Epic
Breaking Glass ChallengesIcon Breaking Glass.png Star Laboratory 15 40
Gem Heist ChallengesIcon Gem Heist.png Gem Mine 15 40
Unwinding Clock Towers ChallengesIcon Unwinding Clock Towers.png Clock Tower 15 40
Reward Points 60 150
Nombre Icono Target Building Requerimientos
Regular Epic
Building Boom Boom ChallengesIcon Building Boom Boom.png All 250 1,250
Wall Wipe Out ChallengesIcon Wall Wipe Out.png Walls 750 1,750
Reward Points 80 400

Home Village Army Challenges

These challenges task the challenger with challenges relating to the player's army, such as scoring stars with a certain number of a particular troop, or merely deploying them.

Win stars using a certain Unit

Achieve the target number of stars using at least one of the given Troop or Spell or using a certain Siege Machine.

Nombre Icono Unit type required
Barbarian Brawl ChallengesIcon Barbarian Brawl.png Barbarian
Archer Ambush ChallengesIcon Archer Ambush.png Archer
Giant Opportunity ChallengesIcon Giant Opportunity.png Giant
Goblin Shenanigans ChallengesIcon Goblin Shenanigans.png Goblin
Open Walls Day ChallengesIcon Open Walls Day.png Wall Breaker
Balloon Blitz ChallengesIcon Balloon Blitz.png Balloon
Wizard Wars ChallengesIcon Wizard Wars.png Wizard
Power Healing ChallengesIcon Power Healing.png Healer
Dragon Mayhem ChallengesIcon Dragon Mayhem.png Dragon
PEKKA Punch-Up ChallengesIcon PEKKA Punch-Up.png P.E.K.K.A
Baby Dragon Storytime ChallengesIcon Baby Dragon Storytime.png Baby Dragon
Mining Operations ChallengesIcon Mining Operations.png Miner
Dragón eléctrico Mania ChallengesIcon Electro Dragon Mania.png Dragón eléctrico
Horde Havoc ChallengesIcon Horde Havoc.png Minion
Hog Rider Raid ChallengesIcon Hog Rider Raid.png Hog Rider
Ride of the Valkyries ChallengesIcon Ride of the Valkyries.png Valkyrie
Rocking Along ChallengesIcon Rocking Along.png Gólem
Witching Hour ChallengesIcon Witching Hour.png Witch
Lava is Love ChallengesIcon Lava is Love.png Lava Hound
Bowling Time ChallengesIcon Bowling Time.png Bowler
Bad Weather Day ChallengesIcon Bad Weather Day.png Lightning Spell
Healing is Magic ChallengesIcon Healing is Magic.png Healing Spell
Anger Management ChallengesIcon Anger Management.png Rage Spell
Getting Over It ChallengesIcon Getting Over It.png Jump Spell
Cold Weather Day ChallengesIcon Cold Weather Day.png Freeze Spell
Seeing Quadruple ChallengesIcon Seeing Quadruple.png Clone Spell
You Can't See Me ChallengesIcon You Can't See Me.png Invisibility Spell
Toxic Tussle ChallengesIcon Toxic Tussle.png Poison Spell
Ground is Angry ChallengesIcon Ground is Angry.png Earthquake Spell
Need for Speed ChallengesIcon Need for Speed.png Haste Spell
Skeleton Crew ChallengesIcon Skeleton Crew.png Skeleton Spell
Swarm Season ChallengesIcon Swarm Season.png Bat Spell
Setting Total Stars won from Raids Reward Points
Regular 15 80
Epic 40 200
Nombre Icono Siege Machine required
Wall Wrecker Wallop ChallengesIcon Wall Wrecker Wallop.png Wall Wrecker
Battle Blimp Boogie ChallengesIcon Battle Blimp Boogie.png Battle Blimp
Setting Total Stars won from Raids Reward Points
Regular 15 160
Epic 40 400

Win battles using a certain Unit

Win the target number of battles using at least one of the given Troop or Spell.

Nombre Icono Unit type required
Barbarian Beatdown ChallengesIcon Barbarian Brawl.png Barbarian
Hitting Bullseye ChallengesIcon Archer Ambush.png Archer
Carrying the Day ChallengesIcon Giant Opportunity.png Giant
Snatching the Win ChallengesIcon Goblin Shenanigans.png Goblin
Breaking Through ChallengesIcon Open Walls Day.png Wall Breaker
Victory Parade ChallengesIcon Balloon Blitz.png Balloon
Magical Turnaround ChallengesIcon Wizard Wars.png Wizard
Critical Support ChallengesIcon Power Healing.png Healer
Hot Streak ChallengesIcon Dragon Mayhem.png Dragon
Heavyweight Champion ChallengesIcon PEKKA Punch-Up.png P.E.K.K.A
Shower of Babies ChallengesIcon Baby Dragon Storytime.png Baby Dragon
Shoveling for Gold ChallengesIcon Mining Operations.png Miner
Shocking Upset ChallengesIcon Electro Dragon Mania.png Dragón eléctrico
Mighty Minions ChallengesIcon Horde Havoc.png Minion
The Cavalry is Hereeeee ChallengesIcon Hog Rider Raid.png Hog Rider
Shredding Through ChallengesIcon Ride of the Valkyries.png Valkyrie
Winning by a Landslide ChallengesIcon Rocking Along.png Gólem
Witches to Riches ChallengesIcon Witching Hour.png Witch
Lava is Cool Again ChallengesIcon Lava is Love.png Lava Hound
Strike Time! ChallengesIcon Bowling Time.png Bowler
Cold Feet ChallengesIcon Cold Feet.png Ice Gólem
Bad Weather Day ChallengesIcon Bad Weather Day.png Lightning Spell
Healing is Magic ChallengesIcon Healing is Magic.png Healing Spell
Anger Management ChallengesIcon Anger Management.png Rage Spell
Getting Over It ChallengesIcon Getting Over It.png Jump Spell
Cold Weather Day ChallengesIcon Cold Weather Day.png Freeze Spell
Seeing Quadruple ChallengesIcon Seeing Quadruple.png Clone Spell
Master of Mystery ChallengesIcon You Can't See Me.png Invisibility Spell
Toxic Tussle ChallengesIcon Toxic Tussle.png Poison Spell
Ground is Angry ChallengesIcon Ground is Angry.png Earthquake Spell
Need for Speed ChallengesIcon Need for Speed.png Haste Spell
Skeleton Crew ChallengesIcon Skeleton Crew.png Skeleton Spell
Swarm Season ChallengesIcon Swarm Season.png Bat Spell
Setting Wins Reward Points
Regular 4 100
Epic 8 200

Win stars without using a certain army

Achieve the target number of stars while avoiding use of one part of the army.

Nombre Icono Army Forbidden
No-Magic Zone ChallengesIcon No-Magic Zone.png Spells
No Heroics Allowed ChallengesIcon No Heroics Allowed.png Heroes
Setting Total Stars won from Raids Reward Points
Regular 15 160
Epic 30 320

Deploy Units

Deploy a certain number of housing space worth of units. Note that housing space is considered rather than number of units; for example, a Giant would count as 5 towards the "Charge!" total.

Nombre Icono Army Deployed Requerimientos
Regular Epic Marathon
Charge! ChallengesIcon Charge!.png Troops 1,000 2,500 5,000
Magic in the Air ChallengesIcon Magic in the Air.png Spells 50 125 250
Under Siege ChallengesIcon Under Siege.png Siege Machines 5 12 N/A
Super Charge! ChallengesIcon Super Charge!.png Super Troops N/A 300 N/A
Reward Points 80 200 400

Builder Base Army Challenges

Score stars using a certain army

These challenges task the challenger with scoring stars in Versus Battles using at least one of a certain type of troop.

Nombre Icono Troop type required
Raged Barbarian Rampage ChallengesIcon Raged Barbarian Rampage.png Raged Barbarian
Sneaky Archer Snipehunt ChallengesIcon Sneaky Archer Snipehunt.png Sneaky Archer
Boxer Giant Punch-Up ChallengesIcon Boxer Giant PunchUp.png Boxer Giant
Beta Minion Brawl ChallengesIcon Beta Minion Brawl.png Beta Minion
Bomber Blow-Em-Up ChallengesIcon Bomber BlowEmUp.png Bomber
Baby Dragon Bamboozle ChallengesIcon Baby Dragon Bamboozle.png Baby Dragon
Cannon Cart Cruise ChallengesIcon Cannon Cart Cruise.png Cannon Cart
Night Witch Batocalypse ChallengesIcon Night Witch Batocalypse.png Night Witch
Drop Ship Night Ride ChallengesIcon Drop Ship Night Ride.png Drop Ship
Mega Pekka Smash-Em-Up ChallengesIcon Mega Pekka Smash-Em-Up.png Super P.E.K.K.A
Riding and Gliding ChallengesIcon Riding and Gliding.png Hog Glider
Setting Total Stars won from Versus Battles Reward Points
Regular 15 80
Epic 60 200

Score stars a certain number of times using a certain army

These challenges task the challenger with scoring at least one star in Versus Battles a certain number of times using at least one of a certain type of troop. Note that each time the player scores at least one star counts as one point for these challenges, irrespective of how many stars they actually score.

Nombre Icono Troop type required
Raging for Wins ChallengesIcon Raged Barbarian Rampage.png Raged Barbarian
Beating the Clock ChallengesIcon Sneaky Archer Snipehunt.png Sneaky Archer
Punch Everything! ChallengesIcon Boxer Giant PunchUp.png Boxer Giant
Alpha Minions ChallengesIcon Beta Minion Brawl.png Beta Minion
Walls No More ChallengesIcon Bomber BlowEmUp.png Bomber
Baby Shower ChallengesIcon Baby Dragon Bamboozle.png Baby Dragon
Cart Life ChallengesIcon Cannon Cart Cruise.png Cannon Cart
Bats Galore ChallengesIcon Night Witch Batocalypse.png Night Witch
Boneheaded Plan ChallengesIcon Drop Ship Night Ride.png Drop Ship
Super Success ChallengesIcon Mega Pekka Smash-Em-Up.png Super P.E.K.K.A
Hogs and Glory ChallengesIcon Riding and Gliding.png Hog Glider
Setting Number of Battles Reward Points
Regular 4 100
Epic 8 100

Non-Battle Challenges

These challenges take place outside of battle.

Clear Obstacles

Use Builders (or the Master Builder) to clear the required amount of Obstacles.

Nombre Icono Requerimientos
Gardening Exercise ChallengesIcon Gardening Exercise.png 25
Reward Points 40

Donate the required amount of units.

Housing space is considered rather than number of units; for example, a Giant would count as 5 towards the "Helping Hand" total, and a Healing Spell would count as 2 towards the "Donate Spells" total.

Nombre Icono Required Donations Requerimientos
Regular Epic
Helping Hand ChallengesIcon Daily Donations.png Troops2 250 625
Clan Benefactor ChallengesIcon Clan Benefactor.png Siege Machines 5 12
Reward Points 80 200
Nombre Icono Required Donations Requerimientos
Donate Spells ChallengesIcon Donate Spells.png Spells 25
Reward Points 40

2 Donating a Siege Machine counts as donating 30 housing space worth of troops.

Collect Resources

Collect Resources from your Resource Collectors i.e. the Gold Mines, Elixir Collectors, and Dark Elixir Drills in the Home Village. Loot from the Builder Base Gold Mines and Elixir Collectors does not count.

Nombre Icono Requerimientos
Regular Epic
Gold Mining ChallengesIcon Gold Mining.png 600,000 Gold 1,500,000 Gold
Elixir Collecting ChallengesIcon Elixir Collecting.png 600,000 Elixir 1,500,000 Elixir
Dark Elixir Drilling ChallengesIcon Dark Elixir Drilling.png 15,000 Dark Elixir 37,500 Dark Elixir
Reward Points 80 200

Upgrade Structures

Start upgrades for Buildings and Walls in the two villages. For the former, the upgrades do not have to be completed, so a challenge can be quickly completed by simply repeatedly starting and cancelling a cheap upgrade such as for a newly-built Cannon. If the player is maxed or nearly maxed and cannot upgrade as many structures as the challenge would require, the challenge's Requerimientoss will be reduced such that it will be completed upon upgrading all remaining structures.

Hero upgrades, while technically not building upgrades, count as building upgrades for the purpose of this challenge, likely because it involves a Builder.

Nombre Icono Required Upgrades Requerimientos
Regular Epic
Home Village Improvement ChallengesIcon Home Village Improvements.png Home Village Buildings 2 5
Builder Base Improvement ChallengesIcon Builder Base Improvements.png Builder Base Buildings 2 5
Builder's Delight ChallengesIcon Builder's Delight.png Any Buildings 2 5
Fortifying the Village ChallengesIcon Fortifying the Village.png Home Village Walls 10 25
Fortifying the Base* ChallengesIcon Fortifying the Base.png Builder Base Walls 10 25
Fortifications Galore* ChallengesIcon Fortifications Galore.png Any Walls 10 25
Reward Points 80 200

*Note that upgrading a row of Walls in the Builder Base counts as 5 towards these totals.

Event Challenges

These challenges involve participation in events and Clan Games, which have their own tasks that vary.

Complete Events

Complete the required number of events (i.e. earn the rewards from events) in the Events tab.

Nombre Icono Requerimientos
Regular Epic
Event Savvy ChallengesIcon Event Savvy.png 1 3
Reward Points 80 200

Score in Clan Games

Score points in Clan Games.

Nombre Icono Requerimientos
Regular Epic
Strongman's Friend ChallengesIcon Strongman's Friend.png 500 Points 1,250 Points
Reward Points 80 200