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-7.362 -6.94 V 8.51 l 8.094 7.627 c 0.126 0.12 0.338 0.367 0.338 0.666 Z m 11.21 -8.096 v 2.525 l -9.158 8.86 a 0.673 0.673 0 0 1 -0.493 0.21 a 0.73 0.73 0 0 1 -0.514 -0.21 l -0.838 -0.76 L 21.384 8.707 Z m -6.976 4.498 l -2.54 2.422 l -8.04 -7.672 a 1.997 1.997 0 0 1 -0.01 -2.9 l 2.54 -2.423 l 8.04 7.672 c 0.84 0.8 0.84 2.1 0 2.9 Z m -1.5 -6.682 L 15.55 4 c 0.406 -0.387 0.945 -0.6 1.52 -0.6 c 0.575 0 1.114 0.213 1.52 0.6 l 2.73 2.605 l -4.164 3.973 l -1.52 -1.45 l -2.73 -2.605 Z m 10.17 -0.403 L 17.09 0.317 l -0.125 -0.12 l -0.124 0.12 l -5.22 5.03 L 6.96 0.867 L 6.953 0.864 L 6.948 0.858 l -0.583 -0.47 l -0.12 -0.098 l -0.115 0.106 L 0.052 6.11 L 0 6.16 v 5.76 l 0.05 0.05 l 11.396 10.867 l 0.123 0.117 l 0.12 -0.117 L 23.07 11.97 l 0.05 -0.05 V 6.17 l -0.05 -0.05 Z" /></g></svg>   <svg xmlns="" class="wds-global-navigation__logo-image wds-is-wds-company-logo-powered-by-wikia" viewBox="0 0 128 13" width="128" height="13" alt="Fandom powered by Wikia"><g fill="none" 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-4.368 v 1.771 h 4.01 V 9.25 h -4.01 v 2.025 h 4.46 v 1.528 h -6.28 V 4.537 Z m 5.249 3.739 c 0.417 0 0.73 -0.092 0.939 -0.278 c 0.208 -0.185 0.312 -0.485 0.312 -0.903 c 0 -0.4 -0.104 -0.692 -0.312 -0.874 c -0.21 -0.181 -0.522 -0.272 -0.94 -0.272 h -1.992 v 2.327 h 1.993 Z m 0.649 -3.74 c 0.37 0 0.705 0.061 1.002 0.18 c 0.297 0.12 0.552 0.284 0.764 0.492 c 0.213 0.21 0.375 0.45 0.487 0.723 c 0.111 0.274 0.168 0.57 0.168 0.887 c 0 0.485 -0.103 0.906 -0.306 1.262 c -0.206 0.354 -0.54 0.625 -1.003 0.81 v 0.023 c 0.223 0.061 0.41 0.156 0.556 0.284 a 1.6 1.6 0 0 1 0.36 0.451 c 0.092 0.174 0.16 0.364 0.202 0.573 c 0.042 0.208 0.07 0.416 0.087 0.625 c 0.007 0.132 0.016 0.285 0.023 0.464 c 0.008 0.177 0.02 0.358 0.041 0.543 c 0.019 0.186 0.05 0.36 0.092 0.527 c 0.043 0.166 0.107 0.307 0.19 0.422 H 40.96 a 3.17 3.17 0 0 1 -0.186 -0.937 c -0.024 -0.363 -0.058 -0.71 -0.104 -1.042 c -0.062 -0.433 -0.193 -0.748 -0.394 -0.95 c -0.201 -0.2 -0.53 -0.3 -0.985 -0.3 h -1.82 v 3.23 h -1.819 V 4.536 h 4.462 Z m 10.207 0.001 v 1.528 h -4.368 v 1.771 h 4.01 V 9.25 h -4.01 v 2.025 h 4.46 v 1.528 h -6.28 V 4.537 Z m 4.878 6.738 c 0.263 0 0.517 -0.043 0.764 -0.128 a 1.7 1.7 0 0 0 0.662 -0.422 c 0.192 -0.197 0.347 -0.453 0.463 -0.77 c 0.116 -0.317 0.173 -0.702 0.173 -1.157 c 0 -0.417 -0.04 -0.794 -0.12 -1.13 a 2.278 2.278 0 0 0 -0.4 -0.863 a 1.776 1.776 0 0 0 -0.736 -0.548 c -0.305 -0.129 -0.683 -0.192 -1.13 -0.192 h -1.298 v 5.21 h 1.622 Z m 0.128 -6.738 c 0.532 0 1.03 0.085 1.49 0.254 c 0.458 0.17 0.856 0.425 1.192 0.765 c 0.335 0.34 0.598 0.764 0.789 1.273 c 0.188 0.51 0.282 1.108 0.282 1.795 c 0 0.602 -0.077 1.157 -0.23 1.666 c -0.155 0.51 -0.39 0.95 -0.702 1.32 c -0.313 0.37 -0.704 0.662 -1.17 0.875 c -0.468 0.212 -1.018 0.318 -1.65 0.318 h -3.57 V 4.537 h 3.57 Z m 12.235 6.853 c 0.178 0 0.348 -0.016 0.51 -0.052 c 0.162 -0.034 0.305 -0.092 0.43 -0.174 a 0.875 0.875 0 0 0 0.294 -0.33 c 0.073 -0.138 0.11 -0.316 0.11 -0.532 c 0 -0.423 -0.12 -0.727 -0.358 -0.908 c -0.24 -0.182 -0.556 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