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/* Icons for Wiki Nav
-- Author: DarkGames26 (Dark)
-- V 1.1.0

/* Vars 
   ---- */
.theme-dark {
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.theme-light {
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/* Icons 
   ----- */
/* Tools Icons */
#t-newpage {
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/* Navegación Icons */
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#n-Portal-de-comunidad  {
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/* Definiciones 
   ------------ */
#t-specialpages > a::before,
#t-whatlinkshere > a::before,
#t-print > a::before,
#t-newpage > a::before,
#t-upload > a::before,
#t-cargopagevalueslink > a::before {
  display: inline-block;
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  left: -3px;
  bottom: -2px;
#n-randompage > a:before,
#n-recentchanges  > a:before,
#n-Portal-de-comunidad  > a:before,
#n-Políticas  > a:before,
#n-mainpage-description > a:before {
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/* Portlet Navigation */
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/* List */
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/* text */
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.mw-portlet-navigation .menu > :first-child {
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/* Color of Icons */
#p-tb .mw-list-item > a::before {
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/* Other Styles */
#mw-panel .mw-list-item {
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#mw-panel .mw-list-item span {
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/* Nowrap Items */
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